The Lok Sabha has congratulated the Indian Team for being crowned as Numero Uno in Test Cricket. While I can't stay away from cherishing this newly acclaimed tag, I am just amused to see, how long are we going to enjoy this? I don't see anyn considerable amount of Test Cricket being played by India in the next 11 months. There is a just a two test series against Bangladesh and not sure how much pride is the current Indian team going to gain by beating a team like Bangladesh.
Teams like Australia, South Africa England play test cricket all round the year. South Africa could topple India from its new found status in just a mere few weeks. So can Australia who are taking on West Indies on home turf. England has also got its Test Cricket calendar full for the coming year.
With a Cricket administrating body which shows interest only to make money by promoting tournaments like IPL and show no effort in boosting the test cricket which is very much implicit from the quality of pitches being made, I don't see a point in celebrating the numero uno status in Test Cricket.
If the BCCI really wants to protect the Test Cricket in its current form, it should play atleast 12 test matches in a year which should include a full series (which has 5 test matches) and create sporting wickets, which are not just conducive to batsmen to play their shots. Test Cricket is revived not because of the dull draws it is known for. But for the results, it produces after 5 days of intense battle.
Let the BCCI do something to improve the number of test matches it makes its players to play. Then let it celebrate the Numero Uno status.